Saturday, May 10, 2008

I've changed things up a bit! After careful consideration, I've decided that I should give January 2009 a shot for the anesthesia program instead of waiting to apply next year to the January 2010 program. I must admit my chances are not the best in the world considering I barely have a year overall nursing experience below my belt. The only things going for me right now are my GPA (3.87) and the fact that I graduated for both my ADN and BSN at this college and faculty knows me well. Although the mandated experience is one year, the Director herself said 2 years or more is preferable. So now its off to meet the June 1st application deadline, I have to get 3 recommendations, one being from a CRNA, my transcripts are already there, a career essay, a curriculum vitae, fill out the application, fill out the practice survey and that pretty much sums it up. Next Tuesday I am scheduled to shadow a CRNA at a nearby hospital. I was told I would be in labor and delivery during the day and be assigned to shadow in the OR in the afternoon. I'm looking forward to seeing anesthetist in action and hopefully get a good recommendation letter from one of them.  I just feel all hyped up about the possibility of getting accepted into next years program and saying good bye to work. Not that I don't like what I do as a nurse, but I seem to enjoy going to school much more than work itself. 

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