Thursday, May 22, 2008

Application In ... fingers crossed

Well, it's official. I've put in my application to the Nurse Anesthesia college of my choosing. I can't help but feel increasingly nervous about my application and wonder if I will even get an interview. Last time I felt this way was when I waited for the acceptance letter for my associates of science in nursing. I remember that feeling all to well. When I finally received the letter in the mail, I knew I was in before I opened it considering the thickness of the envelope. I was ecstatic! My hard work during my pre-requisites had payed off. I hope history repeats itself, I've worked hard these last few years to keep an above average GPA and gave up endless hours of fun to make this happen. All I've done in the last few years has been with this "mission" in mind. I must admit my motives have changed throughout the years. Initially I had no idea of what nurse anesthetists did exactly, and like most applicants, I was in it for the six figure income. My mind has shifted since then, I now see it as something I truly want to do as a career for the mere pleasure of the characteristics of the job itself and what in encompasses. I am truly fascinated by it, I want to do it, teach it, be good at it. Its way more fulfilling than a pay check at the end of the week. I must admit my hopes are kinda low considering my short nursing experience and the 500+ applications already turned in and counting, with still 2 weeks remaining for application deadline. But I must remain optimistic. I truly think I have a solid chance this time around.

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